🥉 3rd place winner at StarHacks.
Welcome to the future of pandemic response.

CovidHelpHub is a Messenger bot ready to help you with all of your coronavirus needs.

The CovidHelpHub bot is our solution to end pandemics faster. We saw how there were many underprivileged people who did
not have access to coronavirus testing, so we thought of a way to implement quick and accessible testing. If you are shown to
have symptoms of coronavirus, we will direct you to go to the hospital in order to minimize others contracting it. We decided to
expand our bot with features such as crowd control. You will be able to see real time statistics of places. Therefore, you can
plan how to go about your day with a lesser chance of contracting coronavirus. Our bot will also direct you to many helpful
links, whether it be for donations or donations to help out your community.

Try it out! more covid-19 resources

CovidHelpHub Features
how we help to combat coronavirus
Limit COVID Spread

The flagship feature of our bot — you will be able to see how crowded places are. You will only need to type in a place, whether it be the supermarket or a city, and we will provide you with real time statistics.

Preliminary Testing

Users will be able to screen themselves or others for COVID-19 based on factors including but not limited to symptoms, recent travel habits, and pre-existing health conditions.

Helpful Resources

Access to links which can inform you about the dangers of coronavirus, helpful links, and resources if you want to learn more about what you can do to help out your community.

Links to help the effort

Our bot can direct you to links where you can help support your community during crisis through donations, whether it be monetary or it be much needed resources, such as personal protective equipment.






amazing bot


problems solved

Are you ready to try out our Bot?
Remember, you will need to be logged into your Facebook account in order to use this bot. Happy Chatting!

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